Mabey Bridge’s activities have a lasting impact on urban and rural environments all over the world, and we are committed to protecting and sustaining those environments for future generations. Our commitment to sustainability and responsible sourcing is illustrated in our certified Sustainability and Responsibility Sourcing Policy which covers:
Caring for our people

We actively promote and aim to improve the health and wellbeing of our people. Our commitment to ensuring the highest standards of safety for our employees extends to our supply chain partners.
We will ensure our people have the knowledge, coaching and training to give their best performance.
Protecting the environment

We will protect ecosystems that may be affected by our operations and work to minimise the impact of our business on air, water, land, natural resources, flora, fauna and people. We are committed to using renewable resources wherever practicable and are constantly exploring new ways for managing raw materials and water usage, and protecting biodiversity wherever we operate.
Building a successful business

We will sustain the long term success of the business through our innovation, leadership and focus on profit contribution through sustainable efficiencies, value creation and waste elimination.
Supporting sustainable communities

We are committed to maintaining the strong relationships already established within the local community. We work closely with the community to inform and involve them in what we do, listen to their concerns and act on any complaints should they arise.
Reduction in greenhouse gas emissions

We are committed to proactively improving the energy efficiency of our processes, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and optimising production and transport operations to reduce our environmental and social impact. We continuously assess our operations and seek, wherever possible, to introduce new processes that represent a more sustainable approach. In connection, we were recently accredited to ISO14064-1. Read more here.
Supplier and customer engagement

We work closely with our customers and supply chain partners to actively develop management systems, certified standards and directives to enhance the built environment. We are committed to working with our key stakeholders to understand how we can achieve meaningful improvements in the quality of our services and products.
Legal and ethical compliance

We are committed to the highest standards of ethical conduct and in order to further promote ethical and responsible business conduct we operate in accordance with a certified Ethics and Conduct Policy which is applied in all our business relationships.